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Golden Beet Carpaccio with Fennel Salad

chef barry saunders,
The Current

The aroma of this fresh dish combines the earthy qualities of beets and fennel with a hint of sweetness from vanilla. The silky  carpaccio is a nice contrast in texture with the crisp fennel. 

Beet Carpaccio
3 medium golden beets
1 small red beet
2 Tbsp white balsamic vinegar
Fennel Salad
2 bulbs fennel

Vanilla Bean Vinaigrette
1/2 vanilla bean pod
1 orange
1 lemon
6 Tbsp canola oil
2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 Tbsp rice wine vinegar

Beet Carpaccio
1. In sauce pot, immerse beets in cold water and add vinegar. Use separate pot for red beet.
2. Simmer for 20-30 min until beets are tender. Remove from water and chill.
3. Using a mandolin, slice golden beets into chip‑size slices.

Vanilla Vinaigrette
1. Split vanilla pod lengthwise. Scrape vanilla beans from pod using knife. Reserve pod for another use such as flavouring cream. Place beans in container with lid.
2. Squeeze juice from lemon and orange into container.
3. Add rice wine vinegar and oils.
4. Shake vigorously.

Fennel Salad
1. Remove fronds from fennel bulbs. Reserve fronds for another application such as soup.
2. Cut bulbs into quarters. Remove core.
3. Using mandolin, slice fennel as thin as possible.
4. Immerse fennel in cold ice water for 20 min to help it become crisp.
5. Drain from water and place in bowl.
6. Add 2 Tbsp of vanilla vinaigrette. Refrigerate dressing for 3-4 weeks.

To serve
1. Arrange golden beet slices around plate.
2. Place fennel salad in middle of golden beets.
3. Garnish with wedges of red beet.
4. Drizzle vinaigrette from bowl of fennel salad onto the beets.

Yield 2 servings

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