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Bob & Doug Drink Recipe

Bob & Doug Drink

Bob & Doug Drink

Courtesy of Josey Krahn – Passerby


2 oz bourbon
3/4 oz all spice dram
1 oz pineapple juice
1 oz lemon juice
top with IPA
mint garnish

All Spice Dram
1/4 cup whole allspice berries
1 cup light rum
1 cinnamon stick
1 1/2 cups water
2/3 cup brown sugar


1. Put all ingredients in a shaking tin.
2. In a separate bag (preferably a canvas Lewis Bag) crush ice.
3. Add crushed ice to pilsner glass right up to the top.
4. Add ice to shaking tin containing all ingredients.
5. Shake hard for about 20 seconds.
6. Strain over crushed ice.
7. Top up with IPA.
8. Garnish with big bouquet
of fresh mint.

All Spice Dram
1. Crush allspice berries in a mortar and pestle or grind them in a spice grinder. You want coarse, large pieces and not a fine grind.
2. Place crushed allspice in a sealable glass jar and pour rum on top. Seal the jar and shake well.
3. Let this mixture steep for 4 days, shaking daily.
4. On day 5, break up the cinnamon stick and add it to the mixture.
5. After 12 days total steeping, strain out the solids through a fine-mesh strainer. Then strain again through a coffee filter into your final bottle or jar.
6. Heat water and sugar on medium until boiling, stirring to dissolve, about 5 minutes.
7. Let syrup cool, then add it to the strained allspice infusion.
8. Shake and let rest for a minimum of 2 days before using.

Yield 1



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